It had been an excruciatingly long day at work for Devon Kirke. It seemed like new notes kept flying towards her desk every 5 seconds, piling up at the corner, hardly giving her enough time to reply or deliver the message to someone else before people were approaching her desk in person, asking her why something hadn’t been taken care of. It seemed like she had never said ‘I’m sorry’ so many times in her life, and for things that weren’t even her fault! Honestly, how could they expect one person to take care of so much?
By the end of the day, when she went to the women’s bathroom in order to check her face in the mirror, she found herself scrunching her nose at the sight of mussed up hair and flushed cheeks. Slender fingers worked at fixing the clasp of her hair clip, auburn strands pulled back so her neat bun was released, sending soft curls down her shoulders and back. Spirals of copper and gold were fussed with by means of pink-painted nails, making herself look presentable before dabbing at the compact she pulled out of her purse. Her ivory complexion was once again flawless in a matter of moments, and she tucked the foundation back into its proper place before slinging the purse over her shoulders, only to walk back out into her personal hell.
It was only an hour later when she was finally released from her desk, now permitted to go home. She thanked Merlin beneath her breath before giving a blatantly forced smile to her boss, who checked her out (as he normally did), resulting in a few choice curse words that were aimed in his direction on her way out the door. Her heels clicked against the tiled flooring of the ministry, taking the floo network to the apartment she had been sharing with Darren for the last couple of months.
When she arrived at her destination, she stepped out of the fireplace to go to the mirror, groaning at the ash that had gotten on her forehead. She rubbed at it, her bottom lip pouting as she made the area red with her efforts. At least it would fade, eventually…unlike the black ash that had been there previously.
Dropping her hand down, she stepped towards the couch, her bag tossed to the side, looking around the apartment. “Darren?” She called out curiously, unaware of where her boyfriend was at that moment. She stuck her head into the bedroom, and when she didn’t see him there, she found herself arching a brow. It was sort of instinctive, for Devon to become just the slightest bit worried whenever Darren wasn’t home and she didn’t know where he was. It wasn’t that she was completely possessive, but…well, he had a horrible habit of just running away sometimes, and while he hadn’t pulled a stunt like that in a long time, she couldn’t help but worry that he might fall back into old patterns. But, she had to trust him…it was the only way their relationship would work, after everything they had been through.
Her long legs carried her over to the couch, her heels being kicked off before she sat down on the comfortable piece of furniture, her arms folding to make a pillow for her head as she leaned to the side, curling herself up into a tiny ball on the cushion. Her long lashes closed as she took in a deep breath, exhaling it as a heavy sigh just as she heard the door. Honey eyes, speckled with shades of emerald and gold, were opened again to greet the handsome man who was now standing before her. Her lips curled into a small and tired smile, though it was clear she was happy to see him.
“Hello, baby…” She said softly before she pushed herself into a seated position, her feet flat on the floor as she pressed her palms into the cushion on either side of her, her shoulders rounding as she leaned forward towards him. “How was your day?” Idle conversation meant Devon was too tired and/or cranky to take the initiative to think of something creative.
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