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adelaide & andre ([info]healers_leap) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-04-26 11:22:00

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Entry tags:adelaide jordan, andre jordan

Who: Adelaide and Andre Jordan
What: Lee's day care is attacked!
Where: Hogsmeade!
When: Last night!

"If you know I'm taking on another case that is more than likely going to run past five o'clock, why would you take one too?" Adelaide huffed toward her husband, closing her umbrella as they finally reached the porch of the day care. She had been more than surprised to see Andre still at work when she had assumed her husband was going to be picking up Lee, and now they both looked like terrible people for leaving their son at day care nearly an hour later than usual.

Adelaide tried to wring some water out of her hair; the weather had been terrible today, poor Lee must have been inside all day. "And now we're going to have to pay a fee, most likely, and---you're lucky you threw us such a good party, this weekend."

She smiled sweetly up at her husband, knowing that he knew quite well that her 'sweet smile' meant that more frustration was to come. Adelaide pulled the door open and the bell jingled happily.

"Oh so I'm just suppose to leave the guy there bleeding, and dying because you just happened to take another case. I can't just drop everything right at five. I work with traumas, they don't follow shift changes. Besides isn't this why we searched so long for a daycare, so we would know that Lee was in good hands when work ran over? Its really not that big of a deal." he dismissed walking in while Adelaide held the door open.

"Damn it Addy, you said this place was the best," he said gesturing at the woman behind the counter. "She's sleeping. And if she's sleeping who's watching Lee."

He huffed picking up his pace to wake the woman and put her in her place. That's when he noticed something was off. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wand. "Adelaide, go back outside."

"It is a big deal because he's used to a certain schedule and I doubt you want our son to get any sort of sense of abandonment and---I work with babies, do you really think I can just up and leave---she's sleeping?"

She would have hollered loudly and angrily at the teacher if Andre hadn't stepped in front of her. It wasn't that late, how could the teacher have---she could sue this place and--Why was her husband telling her to go outside? In the rain? Adelaide really hated when people told her what to do and while Andre rarely did, it was still very annoying and---in her anger and frustration with the entire situation she hadn't stopped and joined Andre by his side.

"What? Are you going to yell at her?" she said, and without hesitating Adelaide reached forward and shook the shoulder of the sleeping teacher, "Hey, Margaret! Wake the hell----"

The teacher lolled over, her eyes wide with shock and surprise, but she wasn't breathing, moving, or---Adelaide backed away and into her husband, her hands out stretched in front of her, "Andre, she's---!"

"Yea I know." he said seriously stepping in front of her. He heard a shuffling in the backroom and muffled talking. "Go back outside." he repeated making his way to the back room. This was not good not good at all. Dumbledore had sent a message not too long ago. Not that Andre didn't take it seriously, because he did, but he thought, he thought that this place was safe.

When he finally made it to the back room he found a man crouched down looking under tables. He had never been happier that Lee was so good at happy at hide and go seek. He grabbed the man from the back of his robes and threw him back. "And just what the fuck do you think you're doing. Oh, not so big and bad now when there's a wand pointing in your face are you. Only a big scary guy when snatching up little kids who can't fight back. Huh?"

How dare he. How dare he go after his little boy. He'd show him you don't mess with the Jordans.

It took Adelaide a second to realize that Andre was telling her to go back outside because he was stepping further into the day care. She blinked at her husband's back for another few seconds before hurrying forward to examine the teacher. Maybe---maybe she wasn't actually dead, maybe she was just in shock, or---maybe she could save her! Adelaide checked for a pulse and couldn't find one, and frantically looked for her other pulse spots just in case---

The panic that was overtaking her was not over this dead woman; she'd seen enough dead people in her intern years that she was mostly immune (mostly). It was the idea that if the teacher, the adult, the one in charge of the day care was sitting at the front desk, most solidly dead, then her son's chances of being---Lee was most likely---he couldn't possibly be---

"LEE!" Adelaide let out in a shriek of panic. She didn't care what was going on in there, but this woman was young and healthy, making it seem all the more likely that the Killing Curse had been used on her. And---and the only people who used that curse were---"LEE!"

Adelaide burst into the room and a second later the bookshelf by the door blew into a million pieces. She covered her head with her arms, letting out a holler but managing to stay upright.

What was Adelaide doing? He told her to go outside. And now in the split second of distraction she almost got herself killed. Andre couldn't control his anger as he flung a hex at the Death Eater, sending him into the toy shelf on the other side of the room. He made his way over to her quickly, checking to make sure she was alright.

"Find Lee and get out of here," he bit out through his teeth stalking towards the man on the ground once he was sure that she would be just fine. "I'll take care of this."

It was going against her nature to simply cower in fear, but Adelaide was finding herself unable to do anything else. She let Andre push her toward where Lee might be and she let her husband go back to fight the---death eater. Adelaide blinked to try and hold back her terrified tears but she dropped to her knees and began pushing through the chairs and toy bins, knowing the Lee was prone to piling objects on top of himself to hide. A fact that she often scolded him about, but right now she couldn't be happier that her boy was good at this game.

"Lee, it's Mummy," she hissed, and a pile of stuffed animals began to wiggle in the middle of the room. Adelaide felt her heart soar as Lee's face appeared, and without hesitation she jolted over and swiped her son up, not waiting another second before shooting out of the room.

Adelaide ran out into the storm and stood in the middle of the Hogsmeade street, spinning around to look for any sort of help. She saw the bright lights of what had to be a duel through the window of the day care, and she let out a scream. She had left Andre in there! She had left---"HELP!

"HELP! ANYBODY!" she shrieked, clutching Lee tightly to her, "SOMEBODY HELP!"

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