It has come to our attention that Avis Booth is now part of the Order of the Phoenix. I wish you to do whatever you can to deter her from continuing to help in its efforts against our Cause.
She is about 29 weeks pregnant; married to auror Tomas Booth; sister to quidditch star Wendy Midgen; works in the ministry's research laboratory and is close friends with Erin Kirke and other known Order member Alice Longbottom.
It has come to our attention that Greta Catchlove is now part of the Order of the Phoenix. I wish you to do whatever you can to deter her from continuing to help in its efforts against our Cause.
She is 19; has a twin sister named Ingrid (who has a young son); one older brother and sister; works at the Daily Prophet; seen with other known Order member Kingsley Shacklebolt.
It has come to our attention that Derek Dobbs is now part of the Order of the Phoenix. I wish you to do whatever you can to deter him from continuing to help in its efforts against our Cause.
He is 21; a hitwizard; muggleborn; has two younger siblings; was engaged to Dorcas Meadows until the Dark Lord did away with her; friends with the hitwizard Thomas that was recently killed; lives with other known Order member Galvin Gudgeon
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