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◘ я j f ◘ ([info]ralphed) wrote in [info]valesco,
Ralph slipped back to the ground, taking a few moments to catch his breath once he heard Walden hit the opposite wall. For a few moments, the both of them stayed where they were. Ralph simply stared at the ceiling, breathing in an attempt to calm himself. But as quickly as that trance came, it just as quickly was broken once the sound of Walden beginning to move. His body too jolted into action, scrambling itself to his feet as quickly as possible.

Choosing to leave the door open, Ralph quickly rushed into the apartment, ignoring the fact that he never thought he would have lived to actually see it. Something of a snarl escaped him at Walden's words, and very suddenly, the anger that had engulfed him just about a week and a half ago returned with new power.

"I'm here now," Ralph snapped, raising his wand high "Surprised to see me alive? I can only imagine how pissed your Death Eater superiors must have been when they found out you failed a year-old mission." As he spoke, he began to move around the room, never taking a moment to stand still. At least one of the things Frank had taught him over the past few months.

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