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Chester Lawrence Scabior III ([info]chesters) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-04-05 22:59:00

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Chester strolled lazily down the street to Jen's shop planning to take her out on a surprise lunch.  He figured it was about time for him to propose.  He had really thrown her for loop on her birthday.  He had a feeling that she was certain that he was going to propose then, but that wouldn't have been any fun if she was expecting it now would it. If he were a better man he wouldn't have enjoyed the look of disappointment on her face when she opened the box to find cheap earrings on her birthday, but he wasn't, so he did.  It was almost hard for him not to laugh.

He walked into her shop and scowled at the people waiting.  He hadn't actually planned on her being busy.  He peeked around the corner to find Jen occupied with another customer, so he took the opportunity to 'clear' her schedule for lunch.  He pulled the ring box out of his pocket and after tossing and catching it a few times he gained the attention of most of the waiting room.  "I hope you don't mind too terribly but you'll have to reschedule your appointments.  Jen has unexpected plans, so if you don't mind."  He gestured to the door before making his way to the back room, sliding the ring box back in his pocket.

"Ready to be whisked away for lunch?"

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2010-04-11 12:50 am UTC (link)
She had several appointments over the lunch hour and wasn't expecting Chester. The earrings dangled in her ears, winking in the light of the shop. She'd been expecting him to propose for weeks. It was just the type of man he had played himself out to be. Quick to rush into things and she had been completely swept off her feet. A few more snips with her wand and she smiled, "All done ma'am. Thanks for coming in." She wasn't paying attention to him as she finished off the hair. She was popular among her stylists and usually was booked from open to close.

She blinked slightly, "Lunch? We didn't have plans did we?" Jen was doing better with her sickness and was now eating regularly. A small baby bump had surfaced underneath her shirt. She didn't see the ring box. She blinked owlishly for a moment and said, "I have appointments all day today." A small nudge was given. "I think we can handle them Jen. Take a break you need it." She sighed and nodded. Her back was starting to ache anyway. "Sorry," she said softly and leaned up to kiss his cheek.

A hand was put on the small of her back and she sighed, "I would love to go to lunch with you," she smiled at him. The poor girl had fallen in love. She slid her hand into his easily and started to head through the door.

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