Gabriel was still very much learning the ways of being a father, and a husband. It wasn't something that you were able to magically do over night, and even though Michael would be a year old come June (so soon! So fast!), there were still aspects of parenting that Gabriel could not fully comprehend. Even though a marriage was thrown on top of learning how to be a father, Gabriel was quite sure that he was doing a relatively decent job at both. It did help greatly that his wife was a very strong minded woman who didn't mind telling Gabriel what to do. He supposed many men would find that frustrating, but Gabriel was more than happy to have Rachel lead the way, as he was very complacent when it came to most matters.
Most matters, yes. One matter, however, that had completely alluded him during their short courtship and few months of marriage. His mother had dropped the not so subtle hints that it would be so nice to experience another grandchild, after the debacle that was Mary's pregnancy with Michael. Gabriel couldn't help but find himself quite bitter about the topic, but not bitter enough to want to punish his parents, or himself, by not having another child. He'd never thought to himself that no, he would not have more children, but it surely was a subject you had to discuss with your wife! And it was a subject that had been distracting him at work. And at lunches with friends. And at quidditch matches, and---
He didn't want this to feel pressured, like he worried that their engagement had been. Even though things had been working out quite nicely for them, Gabriel was sure that---he just wanted this to be their decision, and he wanted to know Rachel's thoughts on the matter.
Gabriel peered into the bedroom that had been devoted to Amissa's time spent at the house, and smiled at Rachel. Maybe this wouldn't be so hard to talk about.
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