Gabrielle :(
WHO: Dimitri and Gabrielle Thomas
WHAT: :( :( :(
WHERE: Hotel!
WHEN: Tonight!
STATUS: Comment thread! But the first tag got too long
Dimitri couldn't begin to explain how things had spiraled so out of control. One day he was jumping around like a fool because Dean had taken his first steps, and now he'd gone nearly two weeks without seeing his son, or wife. The muggle news got a much different report than the wizarding world did---to the muggles of the neighborhood, the house was burnt down by some teenagers playing with fireworks (green ones, the dark mark). Gabrielle's family knew that they were all okay, but no one had been in contact since the house went down. Dimitri knew it wouldn't have taken long for the death eaters that were after him to figure out that it had been a set up; his parents had been attacked a few days ago, and he had barely made it in time to save them...and it was then that he realized what he had to do to save his family; his parents, Dean, and Gabrielle. And even Sam! And Ally and Savannah! Derek was keeping an eye on his wizarding world connections, but there would be only one way of keeping everyone safe.
He had to disappear from their memories entirely.
The wizarding world thought he was dead, which pained him but Dimitri found that was a lot easier to swallow than the fact that he had just wiped his parents memories of their grandson. They now believed that after Hogwarts Dimitri had set off into the wizarding world and got too involved...
He had called Gabby every day, reassuring her that things would be fine. His wife knew of the danger they were in, and he was grateful he'd married such a level headed woman because if the situation was reversed? Dimitri didn't know how well he'd have handled the upturning of his world. He wasn't handling it well, but now that he finally had the clear solution to saving Dean and Gabrielle's lives, it seemed like he had finally conceded his fate and he was strangely calm. Maybe his mind had completely shut down from the excruciating pain he was going to soon be in, but he couldn't bother to figure it out now.
His knuckles rapped the special knock he had concocted on the door of Gabrielle's hotel room and he waited for her to answer.
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