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e s t e l l a ([info]estellerina) wrote in [info]valesco,
Okay. Okay! She could do this. Her sister had been by her side during the hardest of times, so! So Estella could totally do this. She could support Jen and whatever decision she decided to make. Of course, she was probably going to be crying and blubbering the entire time which was why she'd immediately owled Tobias to tell him to meet her here, but that was okay! Things were going to be okay!

How were they going to be okay? Her little, baby sister was pregnant! With some nearly random man's child! A not good random man, as Tobias had put it! Estella wasn't exactly sure how her brother knew that this Chester Scabior person wasn't a 'not good' person but she trusted his opinion on most things (Most things, not everything). Estella tightened her grip on the grocery bag that carried five different flavors of ice cream, and let out a breath when she found that the door was indeed unlocked.

"Jennnnn," she let out, wincing at the sound of her sister getting sick. Uggggh. Estella, even though she'd gone through two pregnancies and all the disgusting things that came along with it, did not have the stomach for other people's illnesses. She stood outside the door and waited for the sounds to stop, and then pushed herself into the bathroom. Oh, oh--Estella shut her mouth tightly and put the bag of ice cream into the sink, dropping to the floor to rub her sister's back.

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