"I've said goodnight to Draco, Narcissa."
Lucius entered the room with this announcement, shutting the door quietly (but quickly behind him). Now that the evening ritual of paying some sort of attention to his son (who was, admittedly, growing more interesting with each passing day), he could get to the more pleasant nightly routine. He grinned across the master bedroom at his wife, who looked splendid as always, and quickly discarded of the work robes he had been stuck in since arriving home earlier. He'd been overrun with ridiculous paperwork, and if he wasn't necessary to have inside the Ministry during these times, Lucius would find it quite enjoyable to spend his days at home with Narcissa and Draco.
Maybe not so much when the boy grew older and could walk around to sneak up on him, but for now he was tolerable.
"He seems taken with the stuffed dragon Bellatrix sent..." Lucius kicked off his shoes, the charmed carpet pushing them into the closet. He looked thoughtful, "Though I suppose I should check to see if it's animated or not...I wouldn't put it past her to hex the thing to spew flames."
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