Gabrielle ;*
Dark wizards needed to go fuck themselves in the ass.
And not just dark wizards, oh no. Random thieves and hooligans who thought they could get away with zapping defenseless people in the street with itching spells because it was supposedly hilarious needed to jump off a very tall cliff. What was wrong with people these days? Didn't they know that life was easier when you followed the fucking rules?
Dimitri opened the front door of his house with a bit of a slam, irritated and the stupid that seemed to follow him all day.
"Gaaaaaaaaaaabby," he whined, throwing his cloak onto the nearest couch, dropping back into it almost immediately after. Dimitri stared miserably up at the ceiling, thinking that he should go and see if Dean was still awake, but finding that he did not have the energy to move. He pouted greatly and tilted his head back to look up at (and upside down) at his wife, who had just appeared.
"You look pretty."
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