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the inscrutable drystan b. fawcett ([info]brythonichero) wrote in [info]valesco,
It was incredibly beneficial that his expression was set permanently in line of mild disapproval, for the incredulous face he was making in his mind's eye was bordering on uncouth. But with the amount of familiarity the witch was showing, surely Drystan had to have known her in some capacity? Although how he could not recall this face in the handful of close friends he kept, he was not sure of. With a crinkle of his brow, he studied her in uncomfortable scrutiny.

Deciding at last that it was possible she'd attended some of his games with better seating, or perhaps remained afterwards for mingling with the teams, he did not know the woman. It would be best to disengage as firmly but kindly from the conversation as possible, then. "I'm afraid you've mistaken me for someone else, madame," he said with a polite incline of the head, despite the fact that she had used his name.

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