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Heidi Twilfit ([info]iseeyoubaby) wrote in [info]valesco,
To say that Heidi was in a delicate state was ... something of an understatement. In the short span of a few hours, she had gone from a happily in love young woman planning to have a child very soon in order to complete her blissful domestic haven to a woman whose husband was dead and had apparently been a murderer. She refused to believe the Aurors no matter what they told her - when she tried to explain to them that it was impossible that her husband had killed Mr. Wilkes because he had been at home with her that evening, they had asked her if she'd kept an eye on him even late in the night when she'd been asleep, and it had been so horrible!

How was he even supposed to testify now that he was -- was -- dead?

She had swooned at the house and they'd taken her into St. Mungo's, but that had been hours ago and she'd been sick with worry and not being able to even see for herself that Ellis really was gone ... so she'd been wandering the halls mournfully, trying to hide her puffy eyes from passersby.

And that -- well, that was when she'd seen a vaguely familiar face - one Drystan Fawcett. Her brother was acquainted with him and he was, unfortunately, extremely handsome. She felt something click and blinked, feeling a bit odd.

Then she caught sight of Drystan again and a small smile spread across her face. She clipped happily over to Drystan and sat in the chair next to him, immediately snuggling up.

"Hello, sweetheart! How is our little man doing?" Because Merlin knew that she couldn't remember his name right now for some strange reason...

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