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Braith Selwyn ([info]braith) wrote in [info]valesco,
There had been several moments in his life like this one, where a woman had managed to get so angry at him that she'd gotten to that particular pitch where he knew that his well-being was going to be in danger in a few seconds if he didn't manage to diffuse the situation.

Unfortunately, Braith had no fucking idea what he was supposed to do when a hysterical woman who was pregnant with his child was shouting at him for wanting to do the right thing with this baby. He resisted the urge to gape and just managed to stammer out something that sounded vaguely like, "Ididn'tmeantoffendyouI'msorry!" before he apparated his ass out of there.

No need to get himself killed prematurely unless it was when someone caught him doing something appropriately Death-Eater-ish.

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