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m a g n o l i a ([info]maggiepie) wrote in [info]valesco,
She couldn't push him away because Maggie was sure she was going to collapse. Whatever kind of panic attack she was having now could not be calmed with some gentle words or soothing tones. This--was----terrible. The rest of her life was over, over! She was only twenty-three, she didn't need a kid like the rest of these fucking maniacs in the world, she did not----she did not know this man! If she ever even thought about having kids, it was after she had a nightmare about getting married!

"How," she let out hoarsely, her tears feeling like they were never ending. "How are we going to figure something out. I don't even know your last name," she wailed.

What if her baby had to be like---a Boot or something, like Odette's?!

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