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m a g n o l i a ([info]maggiepie) wrote in [info]valesco,
She couldn't do this! She couldn't breathe, let alone face this man who she was now having a child with! Maggie knew she was at least a month along, and contrary to popular belief she wasn't shagging a new bloke every night, she knew that Braith was the father, she kept record of her bloody cycle in case of situations like this. It was still early, maybe--they didn't have to have the kid. She didn't want it, she doubted that Braith would want to have a child with some nearly random woman, so--

Tears were streaming down her face as she leaned back against the door. She heard him on the other side, but Maggie didn't know if she could actually look at him again. She had to tell him, but she'd just found out herself! What if she did something stupid because of how bloody crazy she was in this very moment?

It wasn't going to get any better, she silently realized, and Maggie turned to open the door again. She blinked up at Braith and wiped away her tears. What? What now?

"I'm pregnant."

Oh, God, she was going to pass out. Maggie felt her breath go short and she gripped onto the door frame.

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