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Braith Selwyn ([info]braith) wrote in [info]valesco,
He tried his best not to cower when she shouted like that, but generally when women yelled in that exact tone it meant that something was -- oh. Well, since she'd recovered so quickly, maybe she'd just been surprised.

"I...I'm not interrupting you doing anything, are you?" He furrowed his brows slightly. "I wasn't going to come over except that I picked these up for you." Braith held out the flowers to her like they might act as some sort of shield to her potential rage and managed a slightly goofy smile.

"I know it's a bit silly, of course, but it seemed ... appropriate." He didn't want her to think he was just using her for ... sex.

Although they really hadn't done much else and he wasn't sure how much they had in common.

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