You know who.
Braith wasn't all that sure what he had with Maggie, but he'd gotten off of work early today and he'd seen some magnolias in the window of the flower shop on his way home. It might have been cliche and predictable, but at least it was still a nice gesture, right? It was a low-pressure way of telling Maggie that if she wanted something more with him then that was just fine.
Even if she wasn't exactly a pureblood and she was a little younger than him. He'd already lost one fantastic woman to his habit of going back on his sincerity in a relationship (that and the fact that Amelia had been politically ... troubling). He didn't want to end up alone forever.
He cleared his throat and tugged at his jacket sleeve before he knocked on the door, hoping she was home. Maybe she was out helping her teammates train for the big Quidditch game and he should just leave them with ... someone?
No, he wanted to see her.
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