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Braith Selwyn ([info]braith) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-01-13 20:10:00

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Entry tags:braith selwyn, magnolia mattias

You know who.
Braith wasn't all that sure what he had with Maggie, but he'd gotten off of work early today and he'd seen some magnolias in the window of the flower shop on his way home. It might have been cliche and predictable, but at least it was still a nice gesture, right? It was a low-pressure way of telling Maggie that if she wanted something more with him then that was just fine.

Even if she wasn't exactly a pureblood and she was a little younger than him. He'd already lost one fantastic woman to his habit of going back on his sincerity in a relationship (that and the fact that Amelia had been politically ... troubling). He didn't want to end up alone forever.

He cleared his throat and tugged at his jacket sleeve before he knocked on the door, hoping she was home. Maybe she was out helping her teammates train for the big Quidditch game and he should just leave them with ... someone?

No, he wanted to see her.

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2010-01-14 02:54 am UTC (link)
She almost didn't hear the knocking from her position in her bathtub. Maggie was scribbling madly into her journal to Odette as she cried her bloody eyes out. How was this happening? How was this HAPPENING? She'd taken all the precautions, she had made sure that he had too, and somehow in the fucking ridiculous cosmos of the universe, she was pregnant.

If she could, she would try to blame this on Seth Wadcock. That would of course bring her more trouble than she could ever, ever have, but it would be the easiest way to go. She had been blaming everything on the former captain of the Magpies, it had been easy to slip through the past two seasons without getting any focus on her but---now--

Oh God, they were going to make her stop playing. She didn't know how to do anything besides quidditch! What was she going to do, how was she going to explain---OH GOD, HER PARENTS WERE GOING TO FUCKING MURDER HER!

She couldn't have this kid. There was no way, no way. Maggie grabbed a vial of her not-so-domestic glamor potion that got rid of her splotchy eyes and puffed up face in an instant. It was a very useful thing to have when you were partying until four in the morning and had practice at six. Maggie rushed to the door, thinking Odette had hurried over. She threw the door open, looking furious, and---

"You!" she nearly shrieked. Maggie froze and tried to compose herself. How was he here, right now! "I---Braith, hi."

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2010-01-14 03:02 am UTC (link)
He tried his best not to cower when she shouted like that, but generally when women yelled in that exact tone it meant that something was -- oh. Well, since she'd recovered so quickly, maybe she'd just been surprised.

"I...I'm not interrupting you doing anything, are you?" He furrowed his brows slightly. "I wasn't going to come over except that I picked these up for you." Braith held out the flowers to her like they might act as some sort of shield to her potential rage and managed a slightly goofy smile.

"I know it's a bit silly, of course, but it seemed ... appropriate." He didn't want her to think he was just using her for ... sex.

Although they really hadn't done much else and he wasn't sure how much they had in common.

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2010-01-14 03:32 am UTC (link)
Oh fucking Merlin's left---he'd brought her flowers. Magnolias. Do you know how many blokes didn't know her real first name, or the fact that it was actually a flower? He had to go and be sensitive and thoughtful and--he wasn't even her boyfriend! He was just a bloke that she'd messed around with a few times!

And was now carrying his child!

Maggie's mouth twisted as she tried to hold back the new batch of tears that were threatening to escape. This could not have been timed any worse. This was---she could possibly see this as a sign, but all Maggie could think of was how she was ready to just vomit and be sick for the rest of her life. Weren't you supposed to be sick? She'd felt fitter than ever, just a little more tired than usual!

Stupid---baby sucking up all her energy!

"They're--beautiful," she said, and before she finished the compliment she burst into tears, shutting the door quickly.

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2010-01-14 03:35 am UTC (link)
Okay, time for an update.

She'd shrieked at him, then she'd seemed pleased to see his face -- until she saw the flowers, at which point she'd called them beautiful and then slammed the door in his face. As far as he could tell she looked like she was starting to cry.

He scratched the bridge of his nose and pushed his glasses up, lifting his hand to knock on the door again.

"Are you ... all right?" She quite obviously wasn't, of course, but he felt the need to ask in case she wanted him to ... prove he wanted to help with her touchy-feely-wise or something.

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2010-01-14 04:17 am UTC (link)
She couldn't do this! She couldn't breathe, let alone face this man who she was now having a child with! Maggie knew she was at least a month along, and contrary to popular belief she wasn't shagging a new bloke every night, she knew that Braith was the father, she kept record of her bloody cycle in case of situations like this. It was still early, maybe--they didn't have to have the kid. She didn't want it, she doubted that Braith would want to have a child with some nearly random woman, so--

Tears were streaming down her face as she leaned back against the door. She heard him on the other side, but Maggie didn't know if she could actually look at him again. She had to tell him, but she'd just found out herself! What if she did something stupid because of how bloody crazy she was in this very moment?

It wasn't going to get any better, she silently realized, and Maggie turned to open the door again. She blinked up at Braith and wiped away her tears. What? What now?

"I'm pregnant."

Oh, God, she was going to pass out. Maggie felt her breath go short and she gripped onto the door frame.

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2010-01-14 04:21 am UTC (link)
The important thing that he could see in this situation was that she was going to pass out or something like that, and when she gripped the doorframe he immediately started forward to help catch her in case she did fall down. He swallowed thickly and attempted to process what she'd said.

Pregnant. Well, at least his mother couldn't complain to him about not having any heirs, now -- it was just that the girl was a half-blood, that was all. Better than a mudblood at least.

He smoothed his fingers through his hair once before he tried to speak - and found his mouth opening much like a fish.

"Ah-whu--oh." And then, because it seemed like the thing to do, "We'll...figure something out." It really wouldn't be fair to abandon her while she was in this state.

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2010-01-14 08:10 pm UTC (link)
She couldn't push him away because Maggie was sure she was going to collapse. Whatever kind of panic attack she was having now could not be calmed with some gentle words or soothing tones. This--was----terrible. The rest of her life was over, over! She was only twenty-three, she didn't need a kid like the rest of these fucking maniacs in the world, she did not----she did not know this man! If she ever even thought about having kids, it was after she had a nightmare about getting married!

"How," she let out hoarsely, her tears feeling like they were never ending. "How are we going to figure something out. I don't even know your last name," she wailed.

What if her baby had to be like---a Boot or something, like Odette's?!

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2010-01-20 03:09 am UTC (link)
"It's, uh, Selwyn." That wasn't exactly as bad as BOOT, persay, but it was a bit hard to spell and he supposed that she was probably not even thinking about the fact that he was going to have to marry her to reduce this scandal, but how to bring it up?

"I mean, Mrs. Selwyn doesn't sound so bad, does it? I once knew a bloke -- you know what, this is a terrible time for me to be bringing up other people." He scratched behind one of his ears and peered at her from over the rim of his glasses, still half-supporting her.

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2010-01-20 03:46 am UTC (link)
A SHRIEK could not correctly describe the sound that had hurled itself out of Maggie's mouth. He----had---not----JUST PROPOSED!

She pulled herself away from him harshly, wheeling back into her flat as she went completely blind with, what? Rage? Insanity? This all had to be a dream, because this was far too ridiculous for real life. Her life---okay, her life was a little ridiculous, but not this kind of ridiculous! She--she wore expensive clothes and went to the best parties and hooked up with gorgeous men she---

She did not get proposed to by the man whose bloody swimmers just happened to be more potent than the potion she was currently on! SHE SHOULD SUE THE BLOODY----

"I'M NOT MARRYING YOU, FOR FUCK'S SAKE!" Maggie screamed, turning back to face him, slamming her hands down to her sides, "WHAT----I can't even think and you're proposing MARRIAGE and---ALL YOU KNOW IS---"

Another unintelligible sounds was released, and Maggie wondered where the fuck her wand was so she could blow this man's head off. That would be the end to all her problems.

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2010-01-20 03:49 am UTC (link)
There had been several moments in his life like this one, where a woman had managed to get so angry at him that she'd gotten to that particular pitch where he knew that his well-being was going to be in danger in a few seconds if he didn't manage to diffuse the situation.

Unfortunately, Braith had no fucking idea what he was supposed to do when a hysterical woman who was pregnant with his child was shouting at him for wanting to do the right thing with this baby. He resisted the urge to gape and just managed to stammer out something that sounded vaguely like, "Ididn'tmeantoffendyouI'msorry!" before he apparated his ass out of there.

No need to get himself killed prematurely unless it was when someone caught him doing something appropriately Death-Eater-ish.

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