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••• o j β ([info]cockaigne) wrote in [info]valesco,
Lunch? Odette's stomach squeezed at the thought of food. Aside that she was extremely anxious, and it was well past lunch time, the concept of eating anything at this point was just not going to happen. Not that she hadn't all day, because she had just--- today definitely wasn't going to go down as one of her best days ever. Between staring at her stomach in the mirror for hours (which proved zero evidence of any growth whatsoever; she could still fit into all her clothes with no evidence of even a food baby), getting burned by the team, and crying away the other half of the day, Odette realized sometime that she could not go on like this anymore. Being the only person that knew and just--- trying to deal with it herself.

Which was impossible.

So that lead her to the unceremonious conclusion of having to tell Noah. About this child. That was his. Which was scary. There, she said it, Odette was utterly terrified. And not just because she had to tell him, but because what was she going to do? Her entire life she had not thought once about pregnancy, only quidditch and now--- there was the very real possibility that some reserve could permanently take her spot while she was away and then what would she do? Did she even want this child? As horrible as that sounded, it wasn't something she could wrap her head around. Terry was different, this was not the same thing she hadn't---

She would not get rid of this child simply because of her career. Despite how much this child had turned her life upside down, she was not that kind of person. She-- just--- needed to focus right now. On breathing. And smiling like she wasn't in pain. No need to scare Noah off just yet.

"It's dinner time," Odette corrected, putting a hand on his shoulder as she leaned down for a quick kiss. She decided to not comment on the state of his face, avoiding it completely. "This is where you've been all day?"

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