It was days like this that Noah was really glad he'd hired Lyssandra. She had common sense (except for the getting pregnant by a drug-addict rock star), and could handle the business of the planetarium while he locked himself away in the observatory and did what he did best. Look at the stars. Of course, during the day it was mostly chart work, but that was honestly half the fun. He was currently tracking an asteroid that he believed to be the one from some old, wizarding texts that hadn't been seen in nearly three centuries, and if he could prove that it followed the same orbit as they had said in the texts...
They would name it the Boot Asteroid. The Noah Asteroid? The Noah Boot Asteroid.
He sat back to think about this, musing about what he'd label this find of his. Maybe he'd be a good father and let them call it the Terry Asteroid, but when would he ever get another chance? Terry would understand, he was sure.
Noah stretched back and nearly tipped over backwards as he cracked his back. It felt like he'd been sitting in the chair all bleeding day, and by his quick look at the clock, he had been. Merlin, he needed to get up and eat. And go to the bathroom. And wash his face, because he probably had ink all over it. Fuck, he really wished he hadn't quit smoking, he could go for a drag right now.
His ink stained palm wiped itself down the side of his face and he swiveled toward the door opening. Noah smiled at the sight of Odette, though his expression was one of surprise. She rarely made trips to the planetarium. "Hey, just in time for lunch."
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