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noah n. boot ([info]supernoah) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-01-11 21:16:00

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Entry tags:noah boot, odette boot

It was days like this that Noah was really glad he'd hired Lyssandra. She had common sense (except for the getting pregnant by a drug-addict rock star), and could handle the business of the planetarium while he locked himself away in the observatory and did what he did best. Look at the stars. Of course, during the day it was mostly chart work, but that was honestly half the fun. He was currently tracking an asteroid that he believed to be the one from some old, wizarding texts that hadn't been seen in nearly three centuries, and if he could prove that it followed the same orbit as they had said in the texts...

They would name it the Boot Asteroid. The Noah Asteroid? The Noah Boot Asteroid.

He sat back to think about this, musing about what he'd label this find of his. Maybe he'd be a good father and let them call it the Terry Asteroid, but when would he ever get another chance? Terry would understand, he was sure.

Noah stretched back and nearly tipped over backwards as he cracked his back. It felt like he'd been sitting in the chair all bleeding day, and by his quick look at the clock, he had been. Merlin, he needed to get up and eat. And go to the bathroom. And wash his face, because he probably had ink all over it. Fuck, he really wished he hadn't quit smoking, he could go for a drag right now.

His ink stained palm wiped itself down the side of his face and he swiveled toward the door opening. Noah smiled at the sight of Odette, though his expression was one of surprise. She rarely made trips to the planetarium. "Hey, just in time for lunch."

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2010-01-12 04:39 am UTC (link)
Lunch? Odette's stomach squeezed at the thought of food. Aside that she was extremely anxious, and it was well past lunch time, the concept of eating anything at this point was just not going to happen. Not that she hadn't all day, because she had just--- today definitely wasn't going to go down as one of her best days ever. Between staring at her stomach in the mirror for hours (which proved zero evidence of any growth whatsoever; she could still fit into all her clothes with no evidence of even a food baby), getting burned by the team, and crying away the other half of the day, Odette realized sometime that she could not go on like this anymore. Being the only person that knew and just--- trying to deal with it herself.

Which was impossible.

So that lead her to the unceremonious conclusion of having to tell Noah. About this child. That was his. Which was scary. There, she said it, Odette was utterly terrified. And not just because she had to tell him, but because what was she going to do? Her entire life she had not thought once about pregnancy, only quidditch and now--- there was the very real possibility that some reserve could permanently take her spot while she was away and then what would she do? Did she even want this child? As horrible as that sounded, it wasn't something she could wrap her head around. Terry was different, this was not the same thing she hadn't---

She would not get rid of this child simply because of her career. Despite how much this child had turned her life upside down, she was not that kind of person. She-- just--- needed to focus right now. On breathing. And smiling like she wasn't in pain. No need to scare Noah off just yet.

"It's dinner time," Odette corrected, putting a hand on his shoulder as she leaned down for a quick kiss. She decided to not comment on the state of his face, avoiding it completely. "This is where you've been all day?"

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2010-01-12 05:52 am UTC (link)
He remained stretched forward for the kiss, but his eyes narrowed at the word 'dinner.' Noah's eyes shot back up to the clock and they widened as he realized he'd read it wrong. How the fuck was he going to teach Terry how to tell time when he couldn't do it himself? Maybe he was just tired, but he'd have to make sure that his sister helped with a lot of tutoring before Hogwarts.

Noah nodded quickly once his mind overcame the idea that he'd been here since nearly six in the morning (hey...when he had a project, he got excited, okay?). He took Odette's wrist and pulled her toward him, pushing his chair back toward the desk at the same time.

"Sit, sit," he said, not hesitating in pulling her down to sit on his knee. This discovery had to be shared, and even though she would probably have no idea what he was talking or probably even care, Noah needed to share, "I think I may have discovered a long-lost asteroid, and if I'm right it only crosses past us every three-hundred and sixty-two years, so this is---it's a big deal."

His fingers traced along the course of the sky map, following the path of the asteroid. Noah noticed a smudge and reached for his wand to fix it, wanting everything to be perfect.

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2010-01-12 07:31 pm UTC (link)
Maybe all of this was happening as a side effect from this freak asteroid comet--- thing. People talked about that all the time, right? Like... legends about weird things happening when there was stuff floating around in the sky? It was possible. Odette took a deep breath as she eased down onto Noah's knee, unable to let herself believe anything she had just tried to make herself believe. As easy as it might be, she wasn't that delusional enough to blame something in the sky for putting everything so out of this world lately.

"Congratulations," she smiled, leaning slightly to see what he was doing. In all honesty, Odette could really care less about why this specific comet was so much more important than any other one that looked exactly the same, but--- Noah seemed very excited about it, so it was called for that the least she could do was be encouraging and supportive of his flying rock. Now, if he named it after her, then that was a completely different story. But for now, she was content with just smiling and nodding.

As Noah focused on his work, Odette pathetically attempted to say what she desperately wanted (and didn't want) to say. Maybe she should have written him a card. At least then she wouldn't have to be this nervous sitting here and staring at him. Which was an emotion she did not enjoy, thank you very much, after all these years of training to not let it get to her. Odette's mouth hung open until finally some words fell out. "I'm not going to be playing for a while," she revealed, her face twisting slightly as she spoke. The sting of being unable to play yet another round of playoffs was definitely going to burn for a while.

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2010-01-12 08:21 pm UTC (link)
Noah blanched, looking up at Odette and probably looking more like a crazy man than he had a few minutes ago. His face was covered in ink, hair frizzed out beyond belief, and his eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Why not!" he let out, his arms going around her. If Wadcock had---no, Drystan was captain now, he wouldn't have...Noah's mind raced for an answer and his brow furrowed in confusion. "Are you okay? Did something happen..."

His tone became accusing, and Noah felt his face heat up. There was no way Odette would stop playing quidditch without a fight, and for her to be telling him this so calmly was more unnerving than the actual news. She freaked out more over what they were ordering for dinner than she was to this life-altering news.

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2010-01-12 08:58 pm UTC (link)
Oh dear god. Oh. Dear. God she could not do this! What was she thinking just waltzing up here like-- like--- this and just expecting everything to be fine and easy? Everything was not fine and easy, everything was but easy and fine! The-- just--- exact--- opposite and breathing was becoming strenuous (was she even breathing?) and--- holy shit, oxygen was necessary for the brain to function.

Sucking in a deep breath of air, Odette tried very hard to control her face and keeping her hands from twitching to her stomach. She sat limply in his arms, continuing to take deep breaths as her glazed over mind sought to think of how to say this (another thing she should have thought of before coming here. Obviously, just winging it wasn't going to cut it anymore).

"Because---" As she spoke, her eyes began to blink much quicker than normal and her hands twisted within themselves. Breathing--- was--- important. She was going to ruin his comet find. Yes, she supposed he had said he wanted children, but after this week and this fight, that surely didn't mean right now. Terry had just--- been adopted and in the span of two months she had gone from no children to two. Two! That was a lot for someone who had planned on never having any children.

"Because---" Was this nauseous feeling from the baby or nerves? Holy shit, the baby--- Odette took another deep breath, closing her eyes for a few seconds. This was ridiculous. It was just words? Merely very important words that change lives. "Because you're not allowed to fly when you're pregnant." Had she just said that? Odette's eyes flew open wide.

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2010-01-12 09:17 pm UTC (link)

Noah wasn't sure what the question was for, at first. He didn't know that they immediately suspended witches once they conceived, or whatever. Half the league was female, that didn't seem entirely fair. That was the first thought that ran through his mind: the injustice and sexist thinkings of the British and Irish Quidditch League. Secondly, after a moment, he realized that he was the reason Odette was pregnant, and why she was telling him that she was pregnant.

He felt his chest clench tightly as the realization hit, and Noah's grip around her tightened. Odette, his fiancée, was pregnant. With a baby. His child! There was a baby inside of her, that was half his. He'd made a baby? They'd made a baby. Noah blinked quickly, his mouth opening to speak but he couldn't find the words. Noah let out a short, breathy laugh and ran a hand through his hair.

"I--how far? Along, I mean. How far along? When did you find out? Is it a---" Noah shook his head, seeing not-so-literal stars in front of his eyes, "Sorry, I'm---are you okay?"

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2010-01-12 11:49 pm UTC (link)
Despite assuming that Noah's reaction was a good one, Odette felt her stomach drop and her hair curl, creating a much worser feeling to response with. The fact that he had accepted and was happy about this was minor in comparison to the fact that he had accepted and was happy about it. No strange face, no long pause just-- whoopee! Her heart began to run faster as her grip on one of his arms tightened severely.

This was fine. This was good. It was great.

Instantly, Odette burst into tears. "No, I'm not okay," she sobbed, her hands going to cover her face in embarrassment. Everything was not okay! Drake was treating her like some superficial bitch that enjoyed being ridiculous and ruining lives, Maggie actually thought she would catch some jungle fever upon close contact and Seth was being nice all while she felt like she had never let Drystan down more in their entire life than right now. Nothing was okay! This was all--- and she was pregnant! Pregnant! What kind of fucked up--- weren't people automatically suppose to be happy around you when you were pregnant? Like this unknown feeling?

"I don't-- know what to-- do I--- didn't tell anyone and after the the report the entire team--- is-- just-- I--- am-- not-- feeling--- well." Odette's head dropped low for a second as her hands curled in her lap, but that was only for a brief moment before she sprang back to life. "Noah, I'm already--- in my second trimester." She had never felt so ridiculous, and so justified at the same time other than now.

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2010-01-13 12:21 am UTC (link)
Noah stared on in shock as Odette sputtered and cried, trying to grasp everything she was saying. It was strange; he knew he looked remarkably calm on the outside, but he was sure that his heart, stomach, lungs were freaking out in a much similar manner to Odette. Noah could honestly say that only his mind was managing to keep calm, because he was sure he had never believed he was going to throw up and have a heart attack at the same time, before. And hyperventilate.

How was his mind managing to keep him so neutral while the rest of his body, and Odette, were having total meltdowns?

Noah blinked again and kept his arms tightly around her. A report? Oy, had it leaked already? He flushed, wondering if he was the last person in the wizarding world to find out that they were having a baby. But--that wasn't the most important thing right now. Right now all that mattered was the two of them.

The three of them.

Four, with Terry. How the hell had they managed, under a year, to become a family of four? Noah let out a breath and leaned into her arm. "It's going to be okay, I---second? Well...you could be back on the field next season, right? He'll---she'll...the baby can just come to work with me and Terry, and..."

Noah sighed, his hand rubbing her back in a comforting manner, "I know...you didn't want to have kids, and I respect that, so...I promise to make this as stress free as possible, Odette, I--" Noah never thought, in his life, that he'd feel the need for some sweeping romantic gesture, but here he was. "I'm yours, I'll--I'm going to do anything and everything for you and the baby, I promise you."

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2010-01-13 05:29 am UTC (link)
Her body and hands unclenched as Odette immediately quieted after Noah's words. Still sniffling, she looked at him for a very long time, letting her brain catch up to her thoughts. That was probably one of the most thoughtful and caring, not to mention very open (especially for them) things that anyone had said to her in a long time. And if she wasn't in the state she was in now, Odette probably would have laughed at Noah for saying it, but she wasn't. In fact, it made her heart fill lighter and her head feel less muddled.

A feeble smile appeared on her lips as she leaned to curl into his chest. For a few seconds, she simply breathed, brushing away the last of her tears. "I didn't--- tell anyone because I wanted to tell you first." Odette paused as she reached to play with the button on his shirt. "No one knows yet, and-- the team is upset, but--" it would be lying to say that she didn't care, but right now she suddenly realized how important Noah was. How important Noah, and Terry, this baby... her family should matter more to her than quidditch, so it would. Of course, she had understood that before, but now she really understood it.

Hadn't she just been crying hysterically ten seconds ago? Her body felt like it definitely had been, but compared to how she emotionally felt, it was like nothing was wrong. Odette lifted her head from his shoulder to speak clearly. "I love you," she stated quietly. Suddenly, she felt very tired. Her head went back to his shoulder before she spoke again. "And-- you don't have to do everything."

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