It was hard to not down his first of the most delectable of green beers on the most Irish of days. The celebration of St. Patrick's seemed to have been going on since sunrise at the local pub, but with Ireland's win in the world cup, the spirits of the crowd were through the roof (literally, some spellwork of excitement had left holes in the ceiling). Louis had to use much self-control to contain himself to just one beer as one guest in particular had not arrived yet. Adian had been a very good sport all evening and had managed to wrangle up a few tables and pitchers of refillable drinks, and had roped them off as their own. It was perhaps lucky that they had so much practice wiggling their way out of rent, it created skills for almost every scenario.
Every time the door opened and a new patron arrived, the bar burst into cheers and song. It helped him keep an eye on those entering, and when a particularly loud cheer erupted, he was glad he was in viewing distance of the door.
"'Scuse me!" he said, dropping his beer into the hands of Flynn Wright, who Louis had insisted Adian invite (much to his friend's confusion, as Louis had never really taken to the Hufflepuff). Louis pushed his way through the crowd, stretching himself on his toes to squeeze through the cracks. Finally, after managing to get past two rather vigorous snoggers, he landed flat footed in front of Penelope.
"You made it!" he exclaimed, then realizing how he might sound, cleared his throat and gestured over his shoulder, "It wasn't this packed earlier, but--we've got a table. You need a shamrock." Louis gestured to his cheek, where he was sure the carefully painted shamrock on his cheek was now wiped and smudged away.
Every time the door opened and a new patron arrived, the bar burst into cheers and song. It helped him keep an eye on those entering, and when a particularly loud cheer erupted, he was glad he was in viewing distance of the door.
"'Scuse me!" he said, dropping his beer into the hands of Flynn Wright, who Louis had insisted Adian invite (much to his friend's confusion, as Louis had never really taken to the Hufflepuff). Louis pushed his way through the crowd, stretching himself on his toes to squeeze through the cracks. Finally, after managing to get past two rather vigorous snoggers, he landed flat footed in front of Penelope.
"You made it!" he exclaimed, then realizing how he might sound, cleared his throat and gestured over his shoulder, "It wasn't this packed earlier, but--we've got a table. You need a shamrock." Louis gestured to his cheek, where he was sure the carefully painted shamrock on his cheek was now wiped and smudged away.
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