Devon Quigg
02 September 1984 @ 03:56 pm
Devon had never been the kind of woman to get too excited over the idea of one of her friends having a baby - she had never squealed over tiny baby booties, or graphic bibs that were opened up at the showers held for the mother, though now that she was a mother she could certainly appreciate the cute items she could buy for her baby girl. Still, she knew that getting Scarlett to go shopping with her was like pulling teeth, since her friend wasn't into the shoes and the girly dresses that Devon often spent hours shopping for. Since she had her daughter, she was more often found in a pair of jeans and a nice blouse, finding that she preferred comfort over least while she was at home. Thankfully she had lost a good amount of her baby weight, so she was excited to get herself a new wardrobe.

They spent some time walking around to different shops and boutiques, trying to keep her 'oh my God, this is so cute's to a minimum while she was around Scarlett. Her hands were full of bags by the time they were done, satisfied with all of her purchases. Now it was time to keep her word to her friend, by stopping at Quality Quidditch Supplies. She was more familiar with the equipment that surrounded them than people might expect her to be, because while Devon enjoyed watching Quidditch every now and then, she wasn't an avid fan. The only reason she knew the difference between the different brooms was because Rafe was always going on about which were the best.

It took some sweet talking to convince one of the shop boys to keep her bags in the back storage closet, so that she didn't have to keep lugging them around with her, but one sweet smile and a few bats of her eyelashes later, her hands were free, allowing her to roam around the supply shop. Her fingers extended to touch the smooth wood of the broom handle that was in front of her.

"Out of curiosity, when was the last time you went shopping for something that wasn't Quidditch supplies or food?"

The question was asked casually, her attention turning to her friend who looked far more interested in the murchandise that surrounded them than her redheaded counterpart.
Geoffrey Gavin Brand
02 September 1984 @ 08:19 pm
To say that Geoff was distracted during the practice would’ve been putting it very nicely. It had been obvious from the get-go that he wasn’t on the top of his game, but halfway through the practice he had missed an easy hit and thrown his bat to the ground in frustration, speeding off the pitch.

His head was throbbing, at least in part from the knocking it had taken the night before from the latest batch of people that he owed money to -- but also because he knew he’d hurt Savannah’s feelings. She had been -- and still was, really -- important to him, but he wasn’t going to drag her into the middle of his own stupid problems when things seemed to be lining up for her. As much as he hated to think it, she might actually be happier with Seth. At least he didn’t owe an inordinate amount of money to people who were perfectly ready and willing to ruin his career by ruining one or several of his body parts.

He grunted hard and threw his jersey into his locker sulkily. He knew it was stupid, keeping this thing a secret and not asking anyone who could possibly have bailed him out for help -- but Maggie had her own problems that had just settled down, and it wasn’t as if anyone had made him do these things, right? What business was it of anyone elses’, anyway? He looked into the mirror of his locker out of the corner of his eye.

Idiot, he thought. Stupid, useless idiot.

He’d been playing like one, at least.