「ςecilia → ℎooke」
15 February 1984 @ 08:13 pm
This was quite out of her sphere of comfort.

To be fair, since coming to live with a certain halfblood, pretty much every single part of life had been out of Cecilia Hooke's sphere of comfort, but this--this was going a whole other step further. For although she--if she did say so herself--had become quite skilled in the meanial tasks of cooking, cleaning and generally playing house without the benefit of servants to order around, what she had never done was take care of a sick person.

Specifically, a sick boyfriend. As in, the type of person who was sick and one could not simply ignore because they may or may not be offended at one's total lack of compassion in their time of need, which could or could not cause a fair stumbling point in one's relationship with that person which was one's only way of surviving as one's parents did not currently speak to them and they had nowhere else to live and no personal income.

Yes, that was about how the situation went. Except---well, of course Cecilia wanted to help him, and of course she cared, but it was so... It was just that she didn't know what she was supposed to do. Growing up, it had never been her parent's problem when she or Nick or Addy had gotten sick, it was always the house elves. Beyond that, all she knew how to do was sit in her own bedroom--which she hadn't used for over a year--and continue to feel useless while Cael was in their bedroom half-dying. She had been desperate.

So maybe she had hired a house elf.

Honestly speaking, Cecilia did not know how he would feel about this development, but she did know one thing for certain: it was definitely not something that she was going to bring up while walking into the bedroom with a tray of bread, hot soup and cup of tea that she had certainly not made on her own. She did hope, though, that he was just out of it enough to not realize the overt pretentiousness of the way it had all been laid out and garnished. Heavens, she hadn't even known halfbloods owned butter knives--

"Hey," she greeted him quietly, setting the food down on the nightstand. "Doing any better this afternoon?"