nora m. peakes
09 February 1984 @ 01:01 am
Delilah and Max!  
Nora frowned, the wind whipping her scarf loose from around her neck. The weather was dreary and it mimicked her mood perfectly. After nearly five days, her little expedition group was nowhere closer to finding the missing curse-breakers. Nora knew how to track animals, and while Nico, Larkin, and she was now clumping Ethan into the mix weren't animals (well...), she knew how to conduct a search.

She unfolded a picture she'd taken of the trio in Egypt and stared down at it with a frown. The images all waved back, knocking each other over on the bench after a few moments. Nora wished she could have some sort of idea what had happened, to ease her easily worried mind. She knew in her head that they were all capable of handling themselves, but the circumstances were just so strange and the period of time that had passed without any sort of communication had gone on too long for comfort. From all the misadventures she'd heard about, with great flourish, it was hard to simply sit around and wait.

"Thanks a lot," she said to the young girl behind the stall. Nora had provided the picture and the girl had recognized Ethan. She'd pointed down the alleyway of the street fair and Nora let out a breath; at least she knew they'd been here. Nora walked toward Delilah and Max, who were a bit further down and in the direction the girl had pointed out. She stopped, putting a hand up to block the sun, noticing that even with the wind she felt warm. She better not have caught something.

"They were here," she said, folding the picture up and putting it back in her pocket. Nora was glad that her friends had come along with her, but it was starting to seem like a hopeless cause, and they were all feeling weary, "or at least Ethan was. Maybe someone else saw something."
м c h α l
09 February 1984 @ 10:01 pm
Who: Therese Bonaccord & Michal Conway Lynch
What: UGH
Where: her flat!
When: now

Michal suddenly felt very, very overwhelmed, and very unable to continue doing what he was doing.  )