He held the omnioculars up at a nearly ninety degree angle to get a full, vivid view of the top of the waterfall they stood at the base of. He and Rose had emerged before sunrise to walk this trail of natural wonders of Istanbul and its surrounding area, and Thomas was making sure to soak it all in. The sun was only just beginning to rise above the high trees, creating a sparkling morning mist. It should be cold, especially near the water, but the magical community had taken this area as their own; the waterfall was physically untouched, but the water was charmed to the perfect temperature for a quick swim.
Or at least, that’s what the plaque said on their last checkpoint.
“How high do you think that is?” Thomas said as he continued to look through the treetops, his glove a slight hindrance to his hold. He was dressed head to toe in warm clothes, a woolly hat snug on his head, though he was beginning to regret it as the hike was building up a slight sweat. It felt good, though, to be exerting energy into something other than quidditch and running away from crazy ex-girlfriends.
The fresh air seemed to be rejuvenating, and Thomas actually found himself smiling at the sheer beauty of nature---when was the last time he'd literally just taken a walk through the park? This was a thousand times larger and much wilder than the park by his flat, but the sentiment was there. His mind needed the time to clear itself, and he could always count on Rose for a quiet, thought-provoking time.
Or at least, that’s what the plaque said on their last checkpoint.
“How high do you think that is?” Thomas said as he continued to look through the treetops, his glove a slight hindrance to his hold. He was dressed head to toe in warm clothes, a woolly hat snug on his head, though he was beginning to regret it as the hike was building up a slight sweat. It felt good, though, to be exerting energy into something other than quidditch and running away from crazy ex-girlfriends.
The fresh air seemed to be rejuvenating, and Thomas actually found himself smiling at the sheer beauty of nature---when was the last time he'd literally just taken a walk through the park? This was a thousand times larger and much wilder than the park by his flat, but the sentiment was there. His mind needed the time to clear itself, and he could always count on Rose for a quiet, thought-provoking time.
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