Rose had both arms wrapped around one of Octavius', swinging her legs with pointed toes as they walked down the cobbled street. That had been a nice date, with nice weather, nice food--- nice everything! They should have more dates like that one! Just calm, relaxed and--- happy! She just felt so happy in this moment, and not because of the beverage they had been drinking, but because
they were getting back to normal again, with genuine happy feelings, and--- it just made her so happy to be
happy with her boyfriend!
"Ohh, ohh, we should go get-- get---" Rose patted Octavius every time the word at the tip of her tongue escaped her. Desserts! Make desserts? No no, it was like
pie but not really at all-- "Tarts!" she exclaimed happily, jumping slightly as it finally came to her. Though, she was rather full, so maybe something less heavy? "Or maybe whipped cream." Her smile curled into a grin as she her thoughts wandered, despite looking up to Octavius playfully. Her eyes strayed, just for a second and---
"Look it's Kendall!" she pointed, interrupting herself as she spotted their friend through the bar window they were walking by. What was he doing all alone by
himself? That was sad. He had friends! He wasn't a loner! He shouldn't be looking sad! Though, the Kestrels had just lost to Pride, so that was kind of sad because who wanted them still winning?
Getting a smart idea, Rose turned back to Octavius. "Let's go say hi!" she said quickly, letting go of him to skip to the pub. It felt like she and Kendall hadn't talked in
ages--- well, not really, but... just not as much as usual? With their schedules, and Thomas, and everything else... she didn't know what was going on with
him. That was not acceptable.
"HI!" Rose exclaimed, promptly resting her elbow on the bar and her chin in her hand as she plopped herself in the seat next to Kendall.