l o u i s
30 June 1983 @ 02:34 pm
You know! There was something to say about husbands who stayed out into all hours of the night. Agatha had plenty of things to say about those sort of husbands, on a regular basis, but she had never thought that her husband would do such a thing. She had no qualms with Fredrick going out and doing whatever he pleased, but at least have the courtesy to let her know that he wouldn't be back for dinner, that he wouldn't be there to put the kids to sleep, to---

The front door creaked open and Agatha jumped up. It may have been more dramatic to scare the daylights out of her husband when he walked past her form in the chair, but Agatha had never had such patience. She stormed to the door, flicking up the light switch. Merlin, Merlin, Merlin, she had never threatened her husband with her wand, but she sure as hell wish she'd done it now.

"Get lost?" she snapped, crossing her arms and trying so very hard not to rush forward and kick Fredrick in the shins. He looked----well, he looked lost, and somewhat confused, but Agatha was not going to let his state of mind inhibit her anger. "Where were you?!"
h e n r y
30 June 1983 @ 03:03 pm
WHO: Seth and Henry Wadcock!
WHAT: An attempted kidnapping!
WHERE: W.Q.W. pre-event venue
WHEN: Today!

Henry had always joked that Seth was going to be the death of him )