e m m e l i n e ♔
19 July 1982 @ 02:23 am
WHO: Emmeline Vance and Caradoc Dearborn
WHAT: A big surprise!
WHERE: Their house
WHEN: Last night!

Everyone knew how to read a pregnancy test. )
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19 July 1982 @ 11:18 pm
It had taken Caradoc a very long time to finally come to his senses, but it did eventually happen. There had been multiple stages that had gotten him to this lucid state nearing twenty-four hours later, and he couldn't quite tell which was worse. Not understanding how this had all happened, or understanding too much. Either way, he had found that after his little chat with the Goldsteins, Caradoc had continued to find himself here, pacing in the front foyer area of their house. In his right hand was the blue vile, an item he had been clutching since awakening from his comatose sometime around noon. It--- while catching random glances at it still made his heart jump and his stomach drop, purposely looking down at it helped put his mind on the right track, in perspective, whenever it wandered. It was-- important that things did not progress like the night before when he finally did see Emmeline again. He knew--- he could breathe again, he had been able to think and process, making this news... not exactly easy to swallow, but at least something he could react reasonably to.

But Emmeline had not come home all night. It was quickly becoming dark now, leaving wandering thoughts in the back of his mind whether he should go out and start looking for her. He knew that she would be more than capable in protecting herself, but the thought of his pregnant girlfriend out alone in the city was an extremely unsettling thought to Caradoc.

He stopped, realizing that was never a thought he never thought he would have to think until about twelve hours ago. But that--- he shook his head, as if to push it out of his conscious for the time being. One issue at a time.

Running his head through his hair, Caradoc stopped to check his journal one more time. There was nothing new, and he suddenly became unable to wait here another minute. What was he doing, waiting here like some helpless--- thing? He was--- he was Caradoc Dearborn, he did not wait for things, he took charge, he controlled--- the sound of a key turning a lock filled the hallway, and Caradoc quickly snapped toward it. Caught between wanting to jump toward the door and to wait where he was, he awkwardly stuck his right arm out straight, as if showing off what he was holding in his hand for display.