h e n r y
05 January 1982 @ 03:52 pm
His visit to Magpies Stadium did not end with the usual headache. Henry was silently pleased about his brother's efforts to stay out of the tabloids, especially since he was becoming involved with someone. Seth had shown he was far from capable of focusing on more than one thing at a time, so the fact that he was performing well on and off the field made Henry start to think that his brother was actually beginning to respect him as his agent.

Or this girl had him seriously whipped.

Either way, Henry was glad for it, and he pulled his scarf tighter around his neck as he headed toward the floo ports of the stadium. It was much easier than apparating across the bloody country, but there was usually a line of employees trying to get home that kept him there for a good half an hour before one opened for him. Fortunately he must have just missed the rush (or had beaten it) because there were only a few people waiting to catch the floo.

A woman on the next line looked terribly nervous, and Henry wouldn't have bothered to notice if he hadn't recognized her face from this morning's papers. She was the new Magpie---Cadwallader? Victoria. Henry had groaned at the sight of another pretty blond that was going to be running around his testosterone filled brother, but now he saw an opportunity. Maybe he could put her off of the idea of Seth before his brother had the chance to think about her in any other way---though with Seth's history, that was unlikely.

"Miss. Cadwallader?" Henry stepped off the line and mentally noted that he was going to have to push back his drinks with some other clients tonight. He stuck out his hand, "I'm Henry, Seth Wadcock's agent. Welcome to the Magpies."
м k j
05 January 1982 @ 10:58 pm
Who: Mira Jasper & Seth Wadcock with an appearance by Bianca Vaisey
What: Oh noes! The truth comes out.
Where: Apartment! Hallway!
When: Now!

So, Seth! What do you do for a living? You’re a strapping young fellow )