eliza g. diggle
20 June 1980 @ 12:26 pm
Who: Eliza Alderton and Dedalus Diggle
What: A not so smooth reveal
When: This afternoon?

It wasn't until she found out she was pregnant that she realized she had never thought about having children )
20 June 1980 @ 06:30 pm
Zach was not sure what he had done (except he was sure that he hadn't DONE anything so maybe he'd forgotten something but that didn't seem the case) but he headed over to Brianna's as soon as he could find his other shoe. Which wasn't exactly needed, but now that he was a model Zach felt like he needed to look like one most of the time. Zach arrived in Brianna's flat with a pop, looking around carefully so he wouldn't be taken off guard by a smack or something.

He wouldn't put it past her to do something like that - it was times like this that Zach thought she was more Slytherin than he was.

"Hello? Am I still in trouble?"