02 June 1980 @ 09:37 pm
Old + Newly Invited Members! :O  
James felt like he was in a zoo on display, the feeling of a million pairs of eyes sitting upon him. Dumbledore had set up the Hog's Head as an 'informational meeting' of sorts, for people they had all suggested, thought of, and found to be highly trustworthy. These people were going to be offered to put their lives on the line for their dying secret society, and James was surprised as hell that so many had actually shown up.

They were all idiots, he believed.

But then again, they must all think that he and the rest of the original Order (he felt so old, saying that) were out of their minds. To them, the Order was just a bunch of kids who got caught up in a big, ugly mess and were now crying for help. Which it felt like, sometimes, but James wasn't ready to admit that out loud. He wasn't sure if he ever could, which was why he was staying uncharacteristically silent through the whole engagement. He was slumped in one of the booths of the tavern, eyes following the mingling and quite chatter that was going on.

Drinks will be served! Dumbledore had ended jovially, and James had sighed. Part of him felt like a wretched person for getting more and more people involved into the war, but the other, very tired part of him was ready to hand over the reigns and let Voldemort get some new toys to play with.