Arthur Weasley
05 April 1980 @ 09:53 am
Who: Weasleys :)
What: breakfast in bed because of...D:
When: Sunday morning

Arthur had tried his best to take care of things so she didn't have to worry... )
Elphias Doge : Fulltime Fighter
05 April 1980 @ 01:57 pm
Patronus Message  
To Frank Longbottom )
phoebe ❀
05 April 1980 @ 02:58 pm
Who: Phoebe Smethwyck, Tabitha Diggory, Hippocrates Smethwyck, Elphias Doge
What: A quiet time at the Smethwyck household leads to trouble D:
Where: Phoebe's house

Holy crap, he was going to kill her. )
Moses Dodderidge: bad ass (and prophet)
05 April 1980 @ 10:58 pm
left on Harmony's nightstand )