- 1st
- 04:28 pm: sparkplugoholic (no subject) - 2 comments
06:10 pm: estellerina (no subject)
- 2nd
- 09:34 pm: trpns Owled to baby parents and whatever
- 3rd
- 12:23 am: shelovesyou Owl sent to all graduates of 1977! - 10 comments
- 6th
- 02:57 pm: supernoah Owl to Odette MacFarlan
- 7th
- 10:54 pm: misterprongs (no subject)
11:04 pm: mythomania (no subject)
- 9th
- 01:18 am: fortunesfool Owl to Elsie Branstone
08:31 pm: eieio (no subject)
- 14th
- 09:13 pm: missusprongs BY OWL TO ALL ORDER MEMBERS
- 16th
- 06:08 pm: almondjoy [Sadface Finn!] - 10 comments
- 20th
- 03:27 pm: shelovesyou Open to 77ers! - 12 comments
- 21st
- 08:44 pm: rebeccas (no subject)
09:31 pm: bestzeller (no subject)
- 22nd
- 11:30 am: takeachance (no subject)
- 23rd
- 01:00 am: harmonica Owls to Miranda Parry, Malcolm Brown, and Giada Vance
03:27 pm: madleyinlove (no subject) - 3 comments
06:39 pm: pantsoptional [Emmeline ;D] - 8 comments
- 26th
- 09:11 pm: feminist (no subject) - 3 comments
- 27th
- 12:06 am: missusprongs (no subject) - 1 comment
- 28th
- 09:40 am: mcseeker Owl to Joy Diserafino's Friends
10:35 pm: antonins (no subject)
- 29th
- 04:54 pm: psyked Wendy!!! - 12 comments
06:30 pm: eieio (no subject) - 6 comments
06:56 pm: pinkumbrella (no subject)
08:48 pm: clutzy (no subject) - 6 comments
` valesco { a post first war rpg } - March 2009