timothy g. greengrass
08 April 1979 @ 12:40 am
who tim & mina
where: st. mungos
when: afternoonesque!
rating: pgesque
status complete!
are you sure it's not allergies? )
Graeme Dorny
08 April 1979 @ 01:31 am
Who: Graeme Dorny and Giada Vance
When: This afternoon
Rating: PG

Ohhhhh my goodness, I love you so much right now... )
e s t e l l a
08 April 1979 @ 03:07 pm
"Jacob. Jacob. Don't. Don't---"

Estella sighed, waving a dismissive hand as she watched her son attempt to climb the ladder on the jungle gym. Which was definitely not going to end well, but he could try. Her niece was a bit older and had already mastered the gym, so, with Marcus' influence plus his cousin, Jacob truly believed he could run around with the big kids.

It was nice getting a day with her sister-in-law, just the girls (and Jacob, but he was easy to control, so she didn't count him often). Florence was always so busy with her job at the salon, so she rarely got to see her sister these days, but Mafalda had been her friend since way back in Hogwarts---Estella hadn't been very in with the Slytherins in her year, and it probably didn't help that she'd befriended a Hufflepuff early on. But, school grudges and rivalries were long gone, and she honestly didn't care anymore.

She leaned back into the park bench and tilted her head toward Mafalda, a slight grin on her face. She'd been meaning to ask her if she was going to attend her recital next week (oy, next week), but Estella kept remembering that they'd both need sitters, and seeing as they usually just switched kids...

"After Jacob busts his knee open, I say---nap time, then we try out that spinach dip Tobias was going on about."