Elphias Doge : Fulltime Fighter
01 April 1979 @ 03:14 am
Characters: Elphias Doge, various Mungos NPCs.
Setting: Early morning, 1st April 1979, Virus Quarantine Ward @ St. Mungos Hospital.
Summary: :[[[
Rating: PG

''I need a healer! He's stopped breathing!'' )
Ludo Bagman
01 April 1979 @ 12:30 pm
Who: Ludo Bagman and Kalista Rosier
What: Birthday celebrationnnn...and Ludo being a girl and despite the icon, nothing has happened...yet. (Ludo's allowed to dream, right?)
Where: the Quidditch Pitch
When: March 30th
*Finishing it up in comments

Well one of us has to act like a girl... )
01 April 1979 @ 09:30 pm
Characters: James Potter and Sirius Black
Setting: Sunday afternoon, Potter residence
Summary: Sirius is avoiding things
Rating/Status: Commmplete? xD

Wallace sounds like a good strong name. And maybe a carrot vendor. I could sell carrots to rabbit owners )