e m m e l i n e ♔
13 January 1979 @ 07:41 pm
Who: Emmeline Vance and Remus Lupin and guests
What: Remus overhears some interesting news
Where: Some...where
When: Toooonight, full moon

I couldn't think of a better place to come with the full moon approaching. Sorry for the surprise... )
e m m e l i n e ♔
13 January 1979 @ 08:55 pm
Doubled over on a couch that hadn't been sat on in months, Emmeline tried to organize her thoughts. She'd dropped her journal on the floor a few minutes ago, so she had no idea what the Order was going to do; all she knew was that Frank was coming, so he'd probably be the first wave of things.

How the fuck had this happened? It had all started with just wanting a normal night, as normal as---she'd wanted things to be nice, nice and calm as could be this was not...this was not...this was not nice. This was not the nice night she had planned for herself and Remus, this was bad. This was bad, this was bad, this was so bad and all she wanted to do was cry but there were kids.

Kids everywhere! Holy fucking---they were all asleep now, and they were all so scared and some tried to run so she had to put up wards and it was so sad, so---so bad and she didn't know and

Brain, completely fried. Her brain was frazzled and gone, she'd decided. Gooone.