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noah n. boot ([info]supernoah) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-01-07 02:46:00

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Entry tags:drystan fawcett, noah boot

Why...was there someone knocking on his door at 8:30 in the goddamn morning?

Noah lifted his head from his pillow to listen again, maybe it was just a dream? Ah, yes--no! There was actually knocking? He narrowed his eyes to make sure that the clock actually did read 8:30, and was now sure that someone was coming to repossess his furniture or some obnoxious shit like that. Because with the way his week was going, that's exactly what would be happening.

He drooped out of bed like a slug, and shuffled his way down the stairs to the front door. Terry had still been fast asleep when he passed his door, and with the planetarium not opening until 10 these days (why open any earlier when you had no visitors until after lunch time?), Noah liked to sleep in as often as he could. Usually he had the warmth of Odette waking up beside him, but seeing as she was now ignoring him again because of a fight (because that's how adults handled these sorts of things, you know), Noah was actually glad he had to get up. Forced him to ignore the fact that he'd been alone, yet again, last night.

Peering through the peephole, Noah stared for a good ten seconds before opening the door with a very confused, flustered expression. He blinked at Drystan (and the baby in his arms) before running a hand through his hair and opening the door wider, "It's too early for debauchery and uncharted territories."

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2010-01-08 11:01 pm UTC (link)
Nervousness was not something Drystan was accustomed to. When situations accompanied by nervousness arose, Drystan merely squelched the feeling and concentrated on being more awesome. This did not, however, mean that he acted like a normal human being in the slightest. He was frantic, secretive, and frankly, quite a bit weird. But today was a big day, and he needed moral support, whether Noah was aware of it or not.

Actually, now that Drystan thought about it, waiting for Noah to answer the door, looking at Stephen in his arms with a furrowed brow, Noah not being aware of it suited him just fine. The sleepy-eyed, just-tumbled-out-of-bed look that his friend was wearing, however, was unexpected.

"Why aren't you ready?" he asked, blinking, Stephen pawing his jaw. "I told you I'd be hear at half-past eight." His tone was bewildered, bordering on accusing and hurt.

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2010-01-09 01:59 am UTC (link)
Noah wondered if he should even bother to argue how ridiculous it was for Drystan to assume he would have understood he meant eight-thirty in the morning. Who made secret, no-details-at-all plans, for before nine a.m.? Noah was half expecting Drake Parkin to jump out of one of his bushes, but when that didn't happen, he simply muttered that he'll get Terry and be down in a minute.

Terry wasn't appreciative of his early awakening, either, and Noah had to plop him in the middle of the bed and let him holler in annoyance as he got dressed, and found the boy clothes, too.

"Come on, shut it," Noah muttered and he attempted to pull Terry's shirt over his head, "C'mon, Big Head, it'll be fun---I think."

Finally, he grabbed onto the satchel he'd turned into a baby bag, and tried not to look like he was rushing down the stairs with Terry (who was glaring at everything right now). Noah didn't want to admit it, but he definitely hadn't thought about denying Drystan when he wanted to go out, yesterday. He'd had some rough patches with the man, but it was good to have his friend again. Noah didn't have many guy friends, he'd noticed.

"Right. Where are we going?"

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2010-01-25 11:35 pm UTC (link)
Drystan blinked when the two resurfaced, exchanging the same surly look Terry was giving him right now. It still surprised him, to think back to the tiny little sixth year Noah Boot as a doting father, even if he skipped all the other parts along the way. Then it occurred to Drystan, as Stephen lightly butted his head against Drystan's neck, that he and Noah had once again found themselves in similar positions. Such as waking up one day to discover they'd become parents.

All the more proof that he'd chosen the right person to accompany him today—even if he was a rather poor sport at time-telling.

"Oh, that's not important," he said, with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Shall we?"

And turned on his heel and went.

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2010-01-26 12:28 am UTC (link)
This was a strangely familiar feeling. Noah rushed to follow after Drystan, hoping not to trip like he had so many times in Hogwarts because now Terry would go skidding on the floor, not his books. It was a familiar and strange feeling, but Noah didn't think it was particularly bad. Not that he liked discussing feelings, but he had a lot of time to think as they made their way into town because Drystan didn't talk a lot.

Terry was asleep in his sling by the time they reached the main street. Noah tugged down the ear flaps of the boy's hat a bit before rubbing his head.

"All right, you've dragged me about town, can you finally divulge what the hell we're doing?" Noah looked up at Drystan, not bothering to hide his annoyance. He was all for getting out of the house (yeah, okay, who believed that), but this was beginning to get irritating.

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