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g i a d a ([info]shelovesyou) wrote in [info]valesco,
Giada had sent Graeme out of the flat immediately. With little explanation, all she did to get her husband out of the flat for a few hours was to promise a very sexy night. That worked wonderfully, and she was sure Graeme was out with Sebastian or something, doing what men did. Good men, good husbands, she should add! They didn't go frolicking around the wizarding world with some twig of a woman who only wanted to be in the spotlight and destroy marriages.

She was definitely, never ever again, cheering for the damn Magpies.

"Savannah!" Giada cried when she opened the door, immediately embracing her sister-in-law and shedding some tears as well. Merlin! This was absolutely devastating! The last thing you wanted for anyone you cared for was to go through something like--a divorce! God, the idea of Graeme no longer loving her made Giada drive herself into a frenzy, so she couldn't imagine what Savannah was going through!

In some awkward, clingy hug, Giada managed to direct the both of them to the couch, where she pulled Savannah down with her arms still around her. "It's going to be okay!"

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