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Savannah Davies ([info]jot_it_down) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2010-01-05 19:16:00

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Entry tags:giada dorny, savannah davies

Giada! :(
Her chest felt like it was about to explode. She could remember the exact moment in time she had felt this miserable, and that too was because of a man. Logan Kelley had been the first man she ever loved, and after he had broken her heart, she didn’t believe she could, or would ever fall in love again. He had cheated on her, and made her feel like she wasn’t good enough. She went from being a woman who was confident with a lot of self esteem, to being conscious of every move she made when it came to the opposite sex. She lost her faith in men, and thought the last decent man on the planet was her brother, Sam. Then, she met Phineas McLaggen. He was the first man since Logan that she actually cared about…but at least he ended things before she grew too attached to him. Before he made her believe she could truly trust him.

And then…Seth Wadcock came along.

He treated her like royalty. He told her he loved her, and she had believed him. He told her he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and she had believed him. They had gotten married, and they were happy…she was happy. The only regret she had was not telling her brother about the wedding before it was too late. She was just…so anxious to start her life with him, and she felt like she was floating on air whenever he kissed her, and…how could that be so wrong? It had hurt her, to see how upset Sam was with her, but…she understood. She hated that she couldn’t take back what she had already done, but she was still happy with the decision she had made. She was happy that she was married to a man who loved her.

But then, things started to get rocky. This man she loved was constantly on the front page of magazines, all because of some scandal that involved another woman. Being a writer, she understood that most of the time the press just wrote gossip. It was all just BS, wasn’t it? So, she ignored it…but it got harder to do so, since months passed by and still there were reports of Seth and Odette MacFarlen. But, this was her husband…so she continued to ignore what they would say. Even when she found out that he had a child with another woman, she stayed. She stayed because she loved him. She wanted to be true to the vows she took when they got married. Through good times and bad…right?

It just made her feel like a bigger idiot, when the truth was finally revealed to her. How could she be so blind? Deep down, she knew…she knew that things had changed, because she could see it in his eyes. The way he looked at her…it wasn’t the way a husband should look at his wife. He looked at her like a man who had once loved a woman, a long time ago…and was now stuck with her.

Her head was starting to hurt, because of all the crying she had been doing. It was a miracle that she was able to apparate to Giada and Graeme’s apartment and make it there in one piece. She looked like hell, and kept her hood up and her head down as she pathetically climbed the stairs to their flat. She felt as though she couldn’t possible cry anymore…but when she knocked on the door and it flew open, the sight of her sister-in-law, a person who had become one of her best friends over the years, she felt her bottom lip quiver and her face contort.


She rushed forward and threw her arms around her friend, hugging her tightly as she let out a quiet sob.

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2010-01-06 03:00 am UTC (link)
Giada had sent Graeme out of the flat immediately. With little explanation, all she did to get her husband out of the flat for a few hours was to promise a very sexy night. That worked wonderfully, and she was sure Graeme was out with Sebastian or something, doing what men did. Good men, good husbands, she should add! They didn't go frolicking around the wizarding world with some twig of a woman who only wanted to be in the spotlight and destroy marriages.

She was definitely, never ever again, cheering for the damn Magpies.

"Savannah!" Giada cried when she opened the door, immediately embracing her sister-in-law and shedding some tears as well. Merlin! This was absolutely devastating! The last thing you wanted for anyone you cared for was to go through something like--a divorce! God, the idea of Graeme no longer loving her made Giada drive herself into a frenzy, so she couldn't imagine what Savannah was going through!

In some awkward, clingy hug, Giada managed to direct the both of them to the couch, where she pulled Savannah down with her arms still around her. "It's going to be okay!"

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2010-01-06 03:20 am UTC (link)
She didn’t even bother paying attention to where Giada was leading her, but was relieved when she finally got to sit down. She was so exhausted from crying so much, and standing up just seemed like such a hassle at the moment. Her head shook at Giada’s words. “H-how…?” She managed to choke out the words, sniffling before she pulled away from the woman who was trying her best to console her, just so she could look at her.

“M-my marriage…turned out to be one b-big...joke.” She let out another sob, and went to wipe the tears out from under her eyes. She was sure she looked all red and puffy, but right now she didn’t care. “I n-never would-…would have m-married him if I thought-…” she pressed her hands to her forehead, her shoulders shaking as she tried to catch her breath. “I f-…feel so st-stupid…”

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