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gabriel l. corner ([info]coverstory) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-12-30 12:18:00

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Entry tags:adelaide jordan, amery wilkes, arcturus macmillan, bertram aubrey, bess fawcett, braith selwyn, cecilia hooke, chester scabior, christopher loftus, donovan rookwood, drystan fawcett, edward pennifold, erin kirke, euan abercrombie, gabriel corner, giada dorny, graeme dorny, grayson wilkes, greta catchlove, group, isobel macmillan, jonas ackerly, kingsley shacklebolt, kobe ackerly, mackenzie goldstein, magnolia mattias, prisca loftus, rafe kirke, rebecca abercrombie, sebastian goldstein, winnifred llewellyn

Corner/Englewood Wedding! For New Year's Eve!
Getting married was absolutely terrifying. No matter how smoothly Gabriel proceeded through the planning, the discussions, and the actual event, he was holding back getting sick the second he could catch a moment to himself. He knew he didn't love Rachel yet, which might be the reason why he was finding himself so nervous as they sat at the head table of their reception, but he did honestly---he did honestly believe that he could fall in love with this woman. She was fiery with a mind of her own, and though some people might be irritated by it, Gabriel actually appreciated the way she took control of things. He had always been a bit of a follower, and it was easy to agree with Rachel because her reasoning simply made sense.

The reception did look fantastic. Gabriel couldn't believe it was all put together within two short months, but then again he was learning that Rachel was a woman who set her goals and refused to leave them unfinished. Maybe he should look at that as a good thing; surely someone who did not want to get married would not have put so much effort into the ceremony? Or she simply wanted to throw the most beautiful wedding of them all, simply because she could. He didn't know, and didn't mind not finding out as long as they remained content with each other.

He did find her very interesting, however, and that was the first thing a Ravenclaw looked for in a spouse. Maybe all of his concerns were for naught, and it was simply wedding day jitters. His parents had been arranged in a similar manner, and they were still quite happily married (and sometimes nauseatingly sweet about it, too). Gabriel turned and smiled at Rachel, pushing his chair out and offering his hand, "Would you like to dance?"

A chorus of glasses clinging supported Gabriel, and he flushed slightly at all the attention that was on them, once again.

ooc: guest list! We did our best, but if we missed someone let us know!

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2010-01-02 02:58 pm UTC (link)
She didn't want to go back to the party and celebrate the new year with everyone else. The only person Mackenzie wanted to see at the very beginning of nineteen eighty-one was standing right in front of her, so there was no reason to go and ruin what they had created in this niche of theirs by leaving it! Sebastian seemed to be thinking the same thing as the countdown got closer to zero, which only made her grip him tighter in excitement.

What could she possibly want to achieve more through a resolution? She had a husband who loved her, a healthy boy at home, a job to return to on monday (she would bake Mark brownies for not firing her), and a life that seemed to shine extremely bright compared to her old one. There was nothing more she could possibly want, her life was perfect.

Ohh, wait--

"More babies," Mackenzie purred, one had gripping the back of his neck as the other pushed and eventually ran down Sebastian's chest. Lots of little Goldsteins, because she wanted them; she wanted many of them. It made her swell with pride at the fact it wasn't just any child she would and had carried, but it was Sebastian's child making her stomach grow large. Mackenzie always knew she would enjoy pregnancy, but it was that fact alone that made it more than just another pregnancy.

They deserved to be happy just as much as they deserved to have a family! No war or people were going to stop them. "Lots of mini Goldsteins for Anthony to play with." The countdown was getting closer, and Mackenzie gripped the back of his neck tighter, enjoying the way Sebastian's hair felt in between her fingers.

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2010-01-03 08:36 pm UTC (link)
"Oy, I can definitely help with that one."

Sebastian made sure to kiss her neck before going back to her lips as the clock struck midnight, and he reveled in the sensation her words had sent through him. Anthony was the greatest thing that had happened to either of them, and when they were having a rough time, that boy was what kept them together. He nearly worshiped that baby, and he knew that having more children would bring so much more joy to their home.

And it was a lot of fun making babies, too.

He wanted a bloody flock of children. Sebastian would picture them running around the house when their mother wasn't home, and then turning into perfect ladies and gentlemen the second Mackenzie arrived. He knew they would be brilliant, scholars, the lot of them, and they would be funny, too, and brave and handsome and beautiful! Sebastian really adored the idea of children because it made him think of the future, and what he and Mackenzie would plan to do together for the rest of their lives.

Holy hell, that was exciting. "Let's get this New Year started right."

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