Her hand twisted around the cap of her mascara, making sure the black liquid substance covered the brush that was inside. Bringing it to her eyes, she applied it to her long lashes, and then placed the tube of makeup back into the drawer it had come from. Turning her gaze back to the mirror, she took a moment to stare at herself. It wasn’t because she was being self involved, not this time anyway, but because she was once again reflecting on how the last couple of months had been for her, her family, and the rest of the wizarding world. How much more pain did the world have to endure before things could go back to being the way they used to be? A sigh escaped her lips at the thought, reaching down to grab the tube of gloss that needed to be applied to them. Once that was done, she rose to her feet and shuffled over to sit on the edge of her bed. She grabbed the brown heeled boots that were sitting nearby, rolling her jeans down over them before standing to adjust the flattering scoop-neck sweater she was wearing.
Going for her wand, she made sure to grab her jacket and her scarf before apparating to the location that had been chosen by Darren. She couldn’t lie and say she wasn’t surprised when her boyfriend had asked her to meet him there, without having a reason. Or, she didn’t think there was a reason. Sure, Christmas was approaching, but she wasn’t expecting him to do anything like this.
Arriving at the bridge, Devon looked around and noticed she was alone…or, she seemed to be alone. Her hands slid into her pockets, looking around as she approached the edge of the structure she was standing on. Leaning on it, she looked over into the water that was rippling beneath it. Yet again, she began thinking about everything that had been weighing on her mind before she felt a hand touch her waist. She jumped a bit and turned around to face Darren, her mouth curving up into a smile at the sight of him, leaning her back against the side of the bridge; her arms wrapped around him, pulling him closer.
“Hello, stranger..."
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