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l o u i s ([info]superbad) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-12-27 15:20:00

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Entry tags:agatha timms-catchlove, fredrick catchlove

Even though her husband had just woken up from a coma, and everyone was doting on him like he was the second coming of Christ (it did not help that he had awoken on Christmas), Agatha still couldn't find it in herself to be the hovering, completely devoted wife. Well! No, she was absolutely devoted to Fredrick (this past month showing her how much she really loved this man) but the whole...cooing and fluffing pillows and fetching silly drinks, that just wasn't going to happen without a bit of pestering and begging. She wanted things to be like before, and normal, so she was going to act like things were before, and be normal.

But as much as she wanted that to happen, she knew that it wouldn't. Not with the barely there bump that was hiding under her shirt. Agatha hadn't even thought of telling Fredrick about the baby until Brier had begun to mention it, and now it had been two days and still no word about their impending bundle of joy. Oy, she'd just entered the second trimester, how was she supposed to tell her husband that he'd basically missed the first few months of their daughter's development, how, basically, she was carrying around a baby that she didn't know they wanted.

Maybe it could wait until tomorrow.

Agatha entered the bedroom after ushering out Fredrick's sisters, and she smiled at her husband's propped up form. For too long she'd had to stare at him, lying unconscious in the hospital bed so---this was definitely a wonderful sight. Agatha pressed her knees into the mattress and crawled over to him, putting the back of her hand to his forehead, "You took all your potions, right?"

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2009-12-30 11:50 pm UTC (link)
Fredrick was enjoying all of the attention. Normally, it was him fretting over his sisters doing something seriously stupid (i.e. getting pregnant) and nagging their heads off. Now, it was his turn to be fussed about. It was fun. He liked having a go at them from this angle, to see how it felt when someone was infuriatingly stubborn. Of course, this had been going for longer than he wanted and if Stefana asked to fluff his pillows one more time... Well, he'd just have to let her and then whine about moving around. They were wearisome.

Not-so-surprisingly, his wife came to save him. Bless her! Fredrick grinned wide as he watched her crawl onto the bed, which was rather sexy, he had to admit. And her question made him laugh.

"'Course!" he crowed. "Greta had to force them down me throat. Tasted awful. I don't think I'll be staying on those for long. Don't care what the Healer says."

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2009-12-31 03:12 am UTC (link)
Agatha arched an eyebrow, "I'll be sticking them down your throat while you sleep if you stop taking them," she threatened, knowing quite well that the healers wouldn't just say you had to finish your prescription. There had to be reasons behind it, and Agatha was not going to mess around with her husband's health, not after she'd come so close to losing him. Her hand on his forehead felt no fever, and Agatha let it push back and into Fredrick's hair.

"Don't want to see the hospital for--a bit." Agatha cut herself off, realizing that she'd probably have to set up a healer's appointment soon, because she hadn't seen one since the initial one. Which was probably bad, but with Fredrick unconscious, she really could not make herself think about anything else. Suddenly she felt very guilty and cushioned herself beside him, letting her hand curl at the back of his neck.

Agatha huffed a breath and pressed her lips to his shoulder, "Did you have any dreams?"

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