"We're trying to keep on the underground," Sirius said with a slight roll of his eyes. "Nothing will shout to the ministry like secret group of vigilantes if we break into a heavily warded flat. We don't even know who it belongs to, despite our muggle investigations. I asked some of my contacts in the muggle auror office, they didn't have anything." It also didn't help that his biggest muggle police connection had been obliviated and was not very understanding in Sirius' need to know who owned that flat.
"Plus, I think we have a spy," Sirius glanced over at Emmeline and popped a cracker in his mouth. He didn't actually think they had a spy. At least, not anymore. Caradoc was at the very least missing, but he'd had way too much information and given the downward spiral everything had taken in the past year, it wasn't a hard connection. "Or at least, someone has information about our information. There are spells to reveal polyjuice transformations, I wouldn't trust going in someplace with people knowing that we've used it in the past," Sirius said, thinking back to a very amusing story about Remus and James and some filing cabinets.
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