Erin had tried to keep herself busy, to keep this bad idea from fully formulating and taking effect. Because it could definitely go as bad as the badger case that Priyaranjan had to deal with yesterday, except it didn't involve wild animals. Puff wasn't a wild animal. Neither was Aland.
All right, she was going nuts. Erin knew, she knew that Aland had gone into her flat (was it her fault that she hadn't had time to fix wards? Not that she particularly saw him as a threat, but--that didn't give him the right--). It was seriously becoming an obsession. She couldn't find evidence, and after working in the lab for so long, Erin found that she couldn't do much without evidence or cold hard facts. It did make things easier, but it also made things long and---okay, not easier, but it made them right.
Anyway--she'd been doing a sidejob for the charms committee in Aland's neighborhood when she'd finally grown the nerve, and knocked a few times on the front door of his house and then panicked. Oh fucking Christ, what was she going to do? Scold him? Accuse him? Cause a scene? She hadn't talked to him face to face in months, and now she was going to come and---and what? Oh, oh fuck, fuck fuck, bad idea--
"Aland! Hi," she exclaimed as the door opened. Erin's eyes were wide with shock, never having been good at hiding her surprise or nervousness, "I--was in the neighborhood. Hi! How are you?"
Ohhhh, fuck.
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