"No, you're not---stop calling yourself that, I've always said--" Erin stopped herself. Who was she to scold him, anymore? Aland wasn't stupid. He was a lot like Erin, not able to gather his thoughts, it didn't make him stupid. "You're not stupid."
She said this sternly, almost daring him to challenge her. He wasn't stupid, he was a bloody animagus, that took a lot of brains and talent, and even if they left all of this hating each other, Erin didn't think she'd ever believe that he was an idiot or anything like it.
Erin looked away again, so pitiful that they couldn't even look at each other, and let a breath out through her nose.
"I'm not happy, Aland, stop...stop...just stop," she kept her voice even. He just needed to--to stop feeling bad for himself and stop thinking she hated him and just--stop. They could be friends, she wanted them to be friends.
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