"Another girl, I think the Jugson line will continue it's legacy in a set of pretty, heartbreaking girls," Aland joked lightly, nodding a little. He tried to push back the sad smile on his face, but Aland was pretty much an open book most of the time and after the anger and all of that, there was nothing left to do but hang out alone or with Darren and it was just one big gaping hole and it was worse than anything. Seeing Erin standing there in front of him was just a red-hot poker in the chest, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.
He nodded a little, "She's good. Fed up with school I think - ready to get away from the other students, if her letters are any indication of how she really feels. I think it's worse, given Will and Annelise and then there's another girl in their year who's getting married too, so. I think it's hard for her to go back to the way she was...before the stupid Carrow prat," Aland shrugged. Most of what he was saying was stuff Vivica had told him, but he knew his sister was still hurting for some reason.
"D'ya want to sit?" Aland motioned over his shoulder to the room he'd just come from and started walking that way, because it was less awkward or whatever than just standing around in his foyer. There were a couple of chairs near the window where he'd been napping, his shoes were next to one and there was a magazine that had fallen to the floor. He stooped to pick it up and waited for Erin before taking the chair across from her. Aland looked up at the sun through the skylights and squinted a little. "What about you? Work is going good, I hear."
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