"I--May, she's due in May, late May? So, still...still baking the...bun. It's a girl," Erin had no idea why she was blurting all of this, honestly, she didn't even know if Bree would want her giving all these details to Aland (they had never exactly seen eye to eye for some reason), but there she was. Blabbering on like a fool. "It's a girl, and Milo's getting there, he kind of just rolls around at the moment, but--he'll be crawling soon, I think."
She put a hand to her face, looking more than a bit flustered. This was just--strange. Erin didn't hate Aland, no, not like she'd hated some of her other ex-boyfriends, but things had ended so quickly and she still was having issues getting onto her feet--
--Okay, Erin knew in her heart that breaking up with Aland had been the best thing for her at the time. She thought he was a wonderful person, but she didn't want that life, she didn't--she was scared of being in a relationship for so long, she was scared of dealing with his parents and their expected life style, and she was scared...well, she could ignore it all she wanted, but it wasn't as if the Avery name hadn't popped up in the offices before as one of those names. So...Erin didn't know for sure, but things were supposed to be better this way.
"How's Vivica? I sent stuff through Puddifoot's, for her and the prefects--"
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