SORRY IT'S LONG D: it was either this or nothing
Derek was avoiding Meredith Fielding.
It seemed ridiculous when he thought about it point-blank like that, but it was the sorry truth. How a petite blonde younger than him could frighten anyone was beyond him, but her presence set him on edge. Not necessarily in a bad way (he didn't think), but no one liked feeling uneasy.
And yet, Derek was thrown into her path time and time again, as if he subconsciously had this sick fascination with creating awkward situation out of awkward situation between the two of them. This was why he cancelled on her any previous times, though he honestly felt guilty for it. Not that he thought she cared that much about it, of course, but—well, you see what happens to him?
It was because of this that he arrived one half hour earlier than they had agreed to meet, in the hopes that he would sit, paralyzed, waiting for her to arrive. This plan backfired slightly, as he had talked himself into and out of following through with the meeting four times, and he was currently in the middle of a fifth such battle, pacing in the back of the Leaky whilst trying to avoid looking out of place. Sadly, his gargantuan presence prevented him from being as unobtrusive as he wanted to be, but no one seemed to mind too, too much.
Just when Derek was contemplating ducking out through the kitchens and standing her up (not a thought he was proud of, he promises), he caught that tell-tale flash of blonde hair and froze. Looking quite determined, not to mention perturbed, he watched her scan the room, presumably for him, a look of annoyance flash on her face, and her sitting down, to wait. Still frozen, he found himself continuing to watch her, skulking in the back of the Leaky as the sketchiest wizard to ever enter the place, including the three hags that caught his eye in the corner table. It was ridiculous. No, it was! There was no reason why this girl had to cause him any sort of discomfort at all. He was a man, wasn't he? So it was time he acted like such.
Ducking through the crowds, towards her table, he slid neatly into the seat and nodded at her, tugging at his collar with a small smile.
"Sorry I'm late," he said, tone very pleasant. "Work. I'm sure that comes as no surprise to you, though."
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