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¤ α н r ¤ ([info]starcrossed) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2009-09-02 21:32:00

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Not for the first time, Anneliese felt like an intruder in her own home. She slid as stealthily as possible out of her own bed, moving so slowly that at one point she felt like she hadn't been moving at all while holding her breath so forcefully it felt like her lungs were going to explode all to ensure that she didn't wake up Will. No, no, that would be bad. Thank Merlin he was a heavy sleeper, or else she was sure he would've woken up to the inadvertent kick she had given him after finally getting out of his reach and falling to the floor.

Frozen, she waited to hear him snore again before continuing to creep out of the room. Of course, Anneliese made a quick stop at Henry's room to make sure he was alright, but once that was settled she silently made her way to the task at hand.

Ever since Will had come home yesterday, he had been acting--- strange. That was the only way she could describe it, even after two days of pondering over it. And then--- Anneliese shook her head roughly, as if warding the thought away while she quietly tiptoed down the stairs to the main room. She didn't know what she thought she saw on his arm earlier today, but she would have sworn she saw lines or something, and then with the way he had been acting--- it could just as well have been a new mark she didn't know about or a tattoo for all she knew! But there was something else, in the pitt of her stomach bitting at her, telling her that--- that maybe she should get a second opinion.

Finally making it downstairs, she swiftly bent down to sit her knees in front of the fireplace. Despite already having the floo powder, Anneliese curled her hands into her lap, thinking one more time about what she was about do. She just needed someone to tell her she was being silly, and that there was nothing to worry about because it was probably just nothing. Her paranoia was just because of Fabian (at the thought of him, her stomach wrenched so uncomfortably it took her a few minutes to recollect herself), because of what was happening around them. And if that she flipped Will over to look at his left arm, nothing would be there.

Emmeline would know what to do, she always knew what to do. "Emmeline---- Emmeline!" Anneliese began to hiss the second the fire turned green. It wasn't that late to be making a call: Will had been very adamant about going to bed early, and not just because he had been tired from the day. Please respond, please respond.

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