Kobe was very focused when she snogged, so every time they broke apart she had to blink a few times to regain her senses. But, but why had they stopped snogging, this time? Kobe could not understand it, and she blinked her wide eyes slowly as Jonas grew closer, muttering sweet words. Her eyes went out of focus as she tried to keep his gaze, and all Kobe could do was smile.
This was surreal. All her hero worship was definitely paying off, she could see---her parents had told her how Jonas had stayed with her, how concerned he'd been. No one outside of her family had ever cared for her in that way, so to...so to find someone that did after---Geez, guess you could consider that love at first sight, yeah? That did happen, right?
She'd been hurt before, so what was so wrong with enjoying this as thoroughly as she was? Jonas was enthralled with her, she was enthralled with him, and it was in a manner she'd never had the chance to experience. So---so why shouldn't she take advantage of these feelings? What's the worst that could happen? Well...there was the chance of heart break, but Kobe believed people came in and out of your life for a reason, so she was never too damaged when it came to broken relationships.
Why...was she thinking so much? Gosh, that never happened.
"You talk too much," Kobe said with a wide, wide grin, pushing herself flirtatiously (maybe a bit dangerously) close to Jonas. Sure, her mind had just gone on a long, winding, mental ramble, but she was still able to figure out, immediately, what she wanted, "Keep kissing me."
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