Okay. Damn. She was pulling away. He had definitely misinterpreted her previous enthusiasm and interest. Jonas would have normally built up with some flirting before he outright laid one on her, but he'd been thwarted previously and he had been getting vibes. Kissing her didn't seem too ridiculous and random. It sounded like a bloody good idea, actually -- but she'd pulled away.
And then she wasn't.
Kobe made a strange noise before she was chasing after his retreating lips. Jonas's eyes went momentarily went wide in shock before he tilted his head to deepen the kiss. He wanted to grab at her, but he was concerned he'd hurt her. Still, she did deserve an explanation for his behavior.
Pulling two more kisses out of her, Jonas rested his forehead to Kobe's. He licked his bottom lip and his eyelids went heavy over his gaze. "I couldn't wait any longer," he sheepishly confessed as he feathered his fingers through her hair.
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